How to Promote Student Voice in the Classroom

Masking Education In California And Beyond

Analysis co-author, Pauline Rose, professor of worldwide education at the University of Cambridge, called for greater extra funding for education, rather than making more commitments from shrinking aid budgets. But the prime minister has confronted criticism that such calls on the international community come alongside £4bn cuts in UK abroad aid. Boris Johnson is urging world leaders to back plans to get 40 million more women in growing countries in class, calling it “one of the smartest investments we are in a position to make”.

Ron is managing associate and founder of AI analysis, education, and advisory firm Cognilytica. He co-developed the firm’sCognitive Project Management for AI methodology. Ron is co-host of the AI Today podcast, SXSW Innovation Awards choose, OECD and ATARC AI Working group member, and Top AI Voice on LinkedIn.

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